
It's hard this time of year to not become just a little bit obsessed with the fresh fruit that seems to be popping up everywhere. 
We have been chomping at the bit for the strawberry fields to open. 
So with the sun smiling down and the birds serenade we took the day off and joined some dear friends for a day at the farm.
Our "Strawberry girls"  
The babies were in heaven. Berries by the fist-full's were consumed - caps and all. sweet sticky baby faces are so kissable.
Best day ever.....

Did you know it's April already?

 How quick I am to forsake good habits.
Like real life, real moment photos of my family.
I have barely picked up my real camera lately (at least for myself) 
oh for the joy and convenience of my phone camera and instagram.

 But all of a sudden I miss it.



Here's to doing better this month!

This weekend

It snowed!!!!!
I believe it was because the girls were faithfully praying for 3 inches. 
Although it wasn't quite that much, it was enough for a day of snow fun.
It was also baby C's first time to see and touch snow.
Let's just say the verdict was...

She sure looked cute in her snowsuit though.

To live

"So what's new?" 
Am I the only one who freezes at the words? Am I the only one who's mind instantly goes blank and suddenly feels lost in a thick cloud of inadequacy? 
nothing is new... but everything is new.
Every day is new and yes sometimes seems the same also.

January was new just yesterday 
and now February is stretched out before us with 333 more days of this new 2013. 333 more days of breathing, talking, laundry, dinners, cleaning, visiting, working, playing.... ordinary things. 
Is that worthy of asking about?
"So, how are the ordinary things in your life going?"
I could speak much more quickly and intelligently on that subject.

Emily Dickinson said, "To live is so startling that it leaves little time for anything else."
This same famous women spent almost every day of her life in the same house and yard doing the same ordinary and seemingly unimportant things for the same people. It is said about her that "she seemed to know that there are wonderful possibilities in the most ordinary life if we just take notice." 

Busy days back again... It's good be be back in a schedule. #homeschooled 
"Refreshing" themselves before beginning a new week.  

Queen's of mulch mountain

It doesn't have to be new. The best and most enduring things in life are the ordinary. 

Christmas scenes from our house

 Sugar cookie baking ... advent readings ... new stockings ... snuggles and books ... crocheted garland (done by A) ... candlelight in the windows ... sweets ... pretty lights and curious babes ... crafts and creating ... 

This year keeping things close to home
close to heart
and hopefully closer to the hope of Christmas.

"Joy to the World , The Lord has come!"

This Christmas

My favorite gifts are already under the tree.
 I am trying to be intentional about enjoying them.