I will

"Oh give thanks to the Lord for He is good."

~A thought that circles around my mind lately~

"Give Thanks"
"offer to Him a sacrifice of thanksgiving"
"Rejoice in all things, for this is the will of God concerning you"
"enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise"
"come before His presence with thanksgiving"

I need the reminders.
I can enter the presence of God anytime of the day with simple Thanksgiving.
I can live life with abundance and flavor if I learn to see the gifts of moments

I need the practice.
 My heart can burst full of joy no matter what the weather of my day looks like
Because HE is good and His gifts surround me
I will open my eyes.
I will take up my pen and write them down.
I will practice entering into this life fully awake.
 I will start today.

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