Real - is dancing in the sunshine and flying insects
Real - is playing for hours outside everyday
Real - is lots of scraped knees and bandaged toes
Real - is needing a bath every day
Real- is baskets of laundry, everywhere.
Real- is a major production to go anywhere
Real - is reciting math facts and English definitions while feeding a wiggly baby
Real- is diapers..... lots and lots of diapers
Real - is brown leaves crushed into the carpet already littered with crayons and books
Real- is 3 sisters piled together on the couch , laying beside each other on the floor, sitting next to each other at the table.
Real- is chubby cheeks constantly being kissed, and baby mouth giving kisses in return.
Real- is baby songs in the background
Real- is exhausted and brain dead
Real- is not finishing anything
Real- is running....
and running....
Real- is playing Indians, princess, pirates, mystery, school, house, and American girls all in the space of 30 minutes and then saying "what can we do now Mama?"
Real- is a new kind of centerpiece
Real- is drool on everything
Real- is tears and smiles (sometimes together)
Real- is trying, failing, trying again
Real- is doing what we have to do
Real- is putting what we WANT to do on the back burner
Real- is working
Real- is voices calling out in the night
Real- is praying
Real- is hugs and kisses and sweet little giggles
Real- is hard!!!
And I wouldn't trade it for anything.
this may have changed my week! thank you for being a real friend. love this. love those girls.
love this!!! such an encouragement!
There are no words...just smiles & tears (together) & a heart full of so much love for you real! You know exactly how to make my day!!!! XOXOXOX
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