Christmas Tradition #2

This is the advent calender my family used when I was growing up. Every day my Mom would put a note in each little box with something to do or someplace to go or the directions to a special treat. My brothers and I would compete to see who could get to the calender first and fight about who got to read the note. When we got married my Mom gave us the calender and an advent box filled with surprises. Now I am continuing the tradition with my girls. As much fun as it was discovering the little secret in the calender every day I now know it was my really Mom who had the most fun.

1 comment:

Donna said...

You are so right!!
Making up silly poems, treasure hunts, watching you do jumping jacks & sing Jingle Bells for a treat, hugs for Mom & Dad (we got them however we could), the year-round quest for anything fun and inexpensive ... wonderful memories!
It will be just as much fun watching the creative ways that you & the girls have fun with the calendar.
Lots of love, Mom :)