

I can hardly believe we are entering this "school career" season. It's like an end of an era - no longer the Mother of 2 preschoolers. No longer the make up the day as you go lifestyle... I am now entering the unknown land of ...
(da da da DAAAAA) Homeschool Mom world. It seems so weird and so grown up or something.
The decision we made this year to homeschool is not one that came easy, even though we have both had a homeschooling background. We debated back and forth about it but when it came right down to making the decision we both knew it was the right one. At least for this year. My biggest struggle with making this decision is a lack of confidence in myself. Can I really do this? What if I mess it up? What if she doesn't learn what she is supposed to?

I still don't know what the answers are to those questions, but I know it's what we are supposed to do so I'm stepping out in faith.... and asking a ton of questions and I feel lucky that I have this guy in my corner -


We are going with a program called five in a row for language arts, science, history, art, geography.
Math will be Saxon
and for reading we will finish this book.

Great book, very simple to understand and teach from.
We will also be adding Bible and dance into our week.

A. is so ready to begin -in fact she said at dinner "I wish I could start school right now". It makes me feel good that she is excited about it, but I'm still not at the place where I am ready to start tomorrow. 



Donna said...

You will do great!!! I'll be praying!!!

Amy J said...

Hi Melissa :) My daughter's kindergarten year we did Five in a Row and we also did the "...100 easy lessons." It was a good year! Blessing to you and your beautiful girls as you home school... you'll do wonderfully :)

Anonymous said...

You are so dedicated to your family and so very creative! You already do so much with them! Remember you are not alone in your journey. Keep asking your questions and searching for answers. Keep trusting that the Lord will help you every step of the way!

Blessings Friend,