Hope again


This has been the longest season I've ever had.
I'm not really talking about winter, although this particular winter has seemed unusually long and cold and gray (I thought we lived in the sunny south).
although now that I've written it I would proabably use those same words to describe the season of my life. Certainly unusually long, at times cold and heavy with gray. This month in particular I have stuggled, I guess I thought that along with the putting up this years calender other things would change as well. That we would finally usher in a new season along with the new year.
still waiting
I thought things would settle into a normal that would be more like the normal I wanted.
still wishing
I thought the "after this is over we can.." part of our lives would finally be here
still wanting
So discouragment has been the constant battle in my heart and God has put ever so many of my tears in His bottle. I find myself on my knees more than ever. He answers me with words like:

 I don't always like those words. Abracadabra is more what I want to hear. (Just being honest)But the answer is in those words above because Abracadabra is not reality.
Yesterday a friend of mine emailed me the words to one of my favorite childhood songs and the words went deep again. Reminding me of the truth I have known since infancy, but am still learning new every year I live. 

He's still working on me, to make me what I ought to be.
It took him just a week to make the moon and the stars
the sun and the earth and Jupiter and Mars
how loving and patient he must be.
He's still working on me. 

There really ought to be a sign upon my heart
don't judge me yet, there's an unfinished part,
but I'll be perfect just according to his plan.
Fashioned by the Master's loving hand. 

In the mirror of His word reflections that I see
makes me wonder why he never gave up on me.
But He Loves me as I am and helps me when I pray
remember he's the Potter I'm the Clay

He's still working on me, to make me what I ought to be.
It took him just a week to make the moon and the stars
the sun and the earth and Jupiter and Mars
how loving and patient he must be.
He's still working on me.

He loves me
He IS working
He hasn't pushed me to the end of the line to get to later
He is working
He is creator and I am the creation
Still working... still creating...
He is shaping something out of my life only He knows, and it will be beautiful
In His time.

This winter will end and the spring will come again - someday.
The work He is doing will produce fresh blossoms and new growth.
It's a simple and obvious truth that He wrote for us in the natural world, but it is hard faith.
Today, the snow is on the ground but the sun is shining and this song is the soundtrack in my mind. So I will be thankful for that and I will once again put my hope in God.

On a different note
These are the faces I got when I asked for "a serious face"
Ya Gotta laugh..

1 comment:

Melissa, Protector of Swordland said...

havent heard that song in yrs, and I cried singing it. I could hear children's sweet and innocent voices and the simple trust they have in their God. good reminder